Day 197


“If you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering.”

— Matthew 5:23-24

This instruction is simple, be reconciled to your brother or sister before approaching God. Do you have a grievance with another brother or sister in our community? Do they have one with you? Throw away your pride and make peace with them. Remember that there can be peace and love even with differing perspectives. The Lord will bless this and without it, we are divided and cannot move forward.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for reminding me of the importance of being at peace with all men, in order that my prayers may be unhindered. Lord, grant me the grace to reconcile with anyone that has offended me so that my prayers might be effective.

Petition: For every person in our church to be reconciled with one another. For humility and repentance to abound and for God to soften our cold hearts and make us tender towards each other. For there to be a strong spirit of reconciliation across our church.