Day 194


“Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

– Ephesians 6:17

To fight a spiritual battle, we need spiritual weapons. God has given us tools for spiritual battle. Our salvation is sure and certain. Like a helmet, it gives us the confidence to enter the fray unafraid. The word of God is our only offensive weapon. It is an authority we wield but do not possess. We should never charge forward with our opinions or theology. Remain in the word of God, pray without ceasing, and you will be able to resist whatever the enemy throws your way.

Prayer: Jesus, thank You for Your protection. Help me to rely on Your word to fight the schemes of the evil one.

Petition: For the children of our church. For them to grow in love, grace, and knowledge of Christ and have hearts for Christ and His Kingdom. For protection from evil and to be set apart for God’s work.