Day 191


“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”

– Proverbs 28:13 (NIV)

God asks us to confess and renounce our sins. He promises that in doing so, we will find mercy. We are all imperfect sinners who are forgiven through Jesus Christ. Repentance helps us resist future temptation. Failure to acknowledge sin makes it easier for sin to slip our awareness. Don’t be afraid to face your failings because God is merciful to heal and prosper you through them.

Prayer: Lord, we confess our sin and ask your forgiveness. Thank you for your son Jesus who died for our sin. give us strength to resist temptation and reflect on you in our everyday lives.

Petition: For the 9 a.m. Traditional congregation to be unified in hearing from God. To have humble hearts for the confession of sin and a renewed passion for evangelism for those who don’t yet know Christ. For a hunger to know God and a desire to serve within and outside of the community.