Day 189


“He who gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame to him.”

– Proverbs 18:13 (NASB)

Consideration of ideas is, by definition, how we learn. Listening to others is a show of respect that is “considerate.” Too often we listen for confirmation of what we already believe rather than trying to “hear someone out.” God tells us to be quick to listen and slow to speak. Dismissing something out of hand is folly. Try to slow down and listen. Don’t be in a hurry to offer a response. God may have a different plan than our own.

Prayer: Lord, help me fight the temptation to respond quickly. Enable me to slow down. I want to do Your will. Help me listen more and speak less.

Petition: For the people of Ukraine, for their protection and for God to restore their land. For God to use this tragedy to renew people’s faith and spark revival in Ukraine and around the world. For us to learn from their example, as we witness the suffering of a unified and resolved people.