Day 188


“Be still and know I am God.”

– Psalm 46:10 (NIV)

Let us acquire the discipline of being still before God. Let us learn to slow down and carve out the time to be in His presence. Let us stop striving and be relieved from inner turmoil that keeps us awake at night. When we learn the act of stillness before our Father, we will hear His still quiet voice. The Lord Jesus Christ was never hurried because He knew the Father would provide direction. Honor God with your time and He will honor you. This is always the key for finding rest for your soul.

Prayer: Father God, we confess we are distracted and fail to give You our full attention. Forgive us. Free us from the hurry and chaos of our own creation. Speak to us in the sacred space of a peaceful mind.

Petition: For stillness, humility, wisdom, and discernment for the leaders of the Strategic Mapping Team, as they seek to hear from the Lord regarding His will and the next steps for our church.