Day 187


“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

– Psalm 23:1

Throughout the Bible, God is referred to as a shepherd, sometimes described as “good.” A shepherd provides safety, food and water, guidance, and love. A shepherd gives all in the flock a place to belong and be valued. For these reasons, the psalmist boldly proclaims, “the Lord is my shepherd, I shall want for nothing.”

Can you proclaim that you want for nothing because the Lord is your shepherd? If there is any discontent in your soul, what is the source?

Prayer: Lord, thank You for being the Good Shepherd. You make provision for my needs daily. May I look to You for my safety, my physical needs, and for guidance. Thank you for Your goodness and love and a place in Your house forever.

Petitions: For contentment, humility, wisdom, and discernment for the chairs of all committees, as they listen to the Lord regarding His will for our church.