Day 180


“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”
– 1 Peter 4:8

When someone we love commits an offense, it is easier to be gracious. When someone we do not love (or even like) commits an offense, we move to judgment and condemnation. How might it change our church if we loved everyone the way that God loves them? If we overlooked things that we are currently picking apart and allowed God’s love to cover their sins… and ours? Because love covers a multitude of sins.

Prayer: Lord, help me to love every person as You love them. Help me access Your love for them and remember Your great love for me. When I am tempted to judge and condemn, remind me to lean on You. Give me love and compassion for those brothers and sisters in our church who I have been quick to condemn. I am unable to do this on my own but surrender myself to You.