Day 171


“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”

– 2 Corinthians 10:4 (NIV)

The weapon of every Christian is the Word of God and prayer. If you are serving God, Satan will launch a spiritual attack against you in order to stop you. The enemy’s tactics come in many forms such as fear, inadequacy, and even division among the body of Christ. The enemy may even entice you with seemingly good activity to drain your time, so you are too busy or tired to serve the Lord. It is important to guard your affections and keep your eyes on the Lord, by remaining in the Word and prayer.

Prayer: Father God, teach us to fight against the enemy who tries to prevent us from serving You. We are unable to fight on our own, but You fight for us. Teach us to rely only on Your strength. Guard our minds and fight our battles as we wield Your word. Help us to work together to stay sharp to hear Your voice and calling for our church.