Day 127

“See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”

– Matthew 10:16 (NRSV)

Will you accept a challenge in the new year to be more vulnerable? We exert a great deal of effort to avoid feeling vulnerable. In fact, we are keen to ask God to change our circumstances at the first twinge of danger. Jesus, however, calls us directly into situations in which we are as vulnerable as sheep among wolves. He does not instruct us to defend ourselves. We are not to avoid such conditions. Christ instructs us to be smart, self-aware, and observant in those moments. The most human reaction to danger is flight or fight. The calling mandates we stand firm and posture ourselves in a manner that is as innocent and unthreatening as a dove. We are to overcome the foreboding moment with compassion.

Father, send me. Grant me courage, wisdom, and compassion to face down the dangers this year will inevitably bring.