Day 106

But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven cannot contain You. How much less the temple I have built.

– 1 Kings 8:27 (NIV)

When Solomon prayed at the dedication of the Temple, he understood that the magnificent structure could not contain the almighty power of God. Think about the ways that you try to contain God’s power in your life. Are your prayers big or bold enough? Do you keep your worship restrained, polite, and well-ordered? Do you invite God into the messiness of your life, or is He a guest that only gets to see your best? He wants all of you. Don’t put limits on God’s presence and power in your life. Invite Him into your best, your worst, and all spaces in between.

Heavenly Father, I need You in my life. Inspire me to be less restrained and more generous in my worship, gifts, and praise of You. Encourage me into an open, passionate, and powerful relationship with You.