Day 101

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

– John 3:16 (NIV)

Bring to mind a gift that left you speechless. Was it something you had been dreaming of or was it a total surprise? Can you recall who gave you the gift? Your mother? Father? A relative or friend? Did you feel the love they had for you when you opened the package? Can you still feel the love even today? Jesus is the ultimate gift from our loving Father. Like any good gift-giver, He is excited for us to receive His gift. Today, take some time and sit alone and re-read John’s powerful words. Accept the gift. Feel the love.

Gracious God, how can we ever thank You for such an amazing gift? During this Advent Season open our hearts once more to behold Your gift. Fill us with a new sense of love and wonder. Instill in us the importance of sharing this gift with others so they may also have eternal life.